Book: Why Buddhism?
Book: Buddhist Ethics in Daily Life
Free Khmer Calendar BE.2552, AD.2008
Newsletter September to December, 2007

VII, great Khmer King and an emblematic Figure of the
Khmer Nation


- Khmer
Youth Roles in a Multicultural Society
in Buddhism
Gratitude towards Parents
-Meditation: study
about the benefits for lives and practising method
- Mind=the
main part of our body but diffictult to instruct
- Core
teaching of Buddhism
- Concept
of Religious and Spiritual
- Repute
of Angkor Watt
- Khmer
- Kathina
- Buddhism
& Economic
- Theology
in Buddhism
- Cambodian
Buddhism History
- Useful
of Speech
- Life of Lord
Buddha 1
- Life of Lord
Buddha 2
- Dhamma: Buddha's
teaching 1
- Dhamma: Buddha's teaching 2
- Buddhist
Meditation News 1
- Buddhist
Meditation News 2
- Buddhism
and Science
- History
of Cambodia Buddhism
- Building
to end abuses
Visakha Speech for the International Buddhist Foundation(May
29, 2005)
Brief Presentation to Glewnbow Museum(May 28, 2005)
- Life of Lord
Buddha 1
- Life of Lord
Buddha 2
- Dhamma: Buddha's
teaching 1
- Dhamma: Buddha's
teaching 2
Schools of Buddhism
- History
of Buddhism in Cambodia
The Repute of Angkor Wat (pdf file)
The Useful Of Speech
The Core teachings of Lord Buddha: The
Four Noble Truth
Whilst seated beneath the Bodhi tree the Buddha experienced
the four noble truths: Audio Only
- Dukkha:
All existence is unsatisfactory and filled with sufferings
- Samudaya:
The root of sufferings can be defined as a craving or
clinging to the wrong things; searching to find stability
in a shifting world is the wrong way
- Nibbana:
It is possible to find an end to suffering
- The Noble
Eightfold Path is the way to finding the solution
to suffering and bring it to an end